Our expertise and experience (over 30 years) with all types of grass carpets and,various styles of miniature golf courses,  gives LFI a professional edge    Perfomance,quality control, customer relations, experienced mechanics,on-site co-ordination and the ability to meet individual needs as well as strindgent deadlines
left - second half of hole 9 in Carrolton, TX.
Carpet Installation Excellence, Nationwide
Fill out our online form and get a quote for your project
The extreme demands on todays miniature golf courses with exposure to the elements and increasing foot traffic dictates, only the highest quality materials be used. Our years of experience has led us to Jane Farrell Carpets, (800) 726-0559, dollar for dollar we feel this grass carpets performance surpasses all others.Our preferred adhesives is   APAC 630 outdoor adhesive
By adding roughs, strategically placed throughout your course we can help those inerrant shots from getting away, or increase the difficulty of a hole.
We can also add white grass carpet to simulate sand traps, while enhancing the beauty of your course.
LFI can also take an old run down course and bring it up to date by installing new pavers, cups and grass carpet.
Renovation at Fun World N. Myrtle Beach
LFI & company,
Phone (321) 693-0601
   Fax (321) 984-5257

Customer satisfaction
Competitive pricing
LFI & co.
Nationwide Service
  Hole 9 on this course in carrolton, TX. was over two hundred yards .For most carpet installation companies this would be extremely challenging but for LFI & company its simply routine.
Installation guarantee, for the life of the carpet
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With over 30 years experience installing    artificial turfs, we guarantee your satisfaction
  Jonathan Smith
    President LFI
LFI donated the installation of carpet on a 9 hole course in Laurens,SC.built by   
Harris Miniature Golf.
Sponsered by The Learning Channel for an upcoming series of Town Haul with Genevieve Gorder
Hey, Genevieve.
my back is killing me !
yea Jon, mine too!
how do you do this
Seven reasons to consider LFI for your project
Labor of love

Support the fight
against Breast

Support Human

Support the fight
against AIDS

  I had a terrific time  filming this segment of TLC's Town Haul.
These extrodinary people along with hundreds of local volunteers and sponsers such as; Home Depot ,Harris Miniature Golf and Kaboom,all come together to renovate entire towns
Thank you,to Genevieve Gorder and everyone at TLC.
